what is Third Way Kenya, what they do and who hacked their Twitter account

1 min read

I was wondering what Third Way Kenya is, after seeing that the unfortunate has befallen it.

Well, what they have written about themselves is self explanatory. The QUESTION now stands, who could have hacked them and why?

Anyway, what is this Third Way Kenya?

Thirdwayke efforts have been spurred on by a loose network of activists from advocacy groups, with casual alliances of like minded kenyans unhappy with issues from security, unemployment, healthcare, education, environment.


Thirdway Alliance provides a platform for formulating progressive joint answers to political challenges facing the country,for exchanging information and experience on election campaigns,for strengthening party organization and improving regional networking.

Thirdway Alliance is a network which is open to progressive,democratic,social-democratic,socialist and labour individuals, groups and networks. Thirdway welcomes cooperation with other progressive social forces,trade unions,foundations,think tanks,CSOs,NGOs and grassroot/rural-based initiatives.

Read more about them here http://www.thirdwaykenya.com/

Who could have hacked their twitter account?possibly someone who is threatened by this coming force.