A first for Kenya! We have finally, finally won an Oscar! That shot bald golden statuette that most actors would kill their loved ones for! And finally, we have got one for ourselves.

The Kenyan film in question is called Watu Wote by 3 German students who had to camp in Garissa for several months while shooting.( What sacrifice?) The film is based on the terrorist attack in which Muslims shielded Christians from Al Shabaab militants by offering them their Islamic clothing to disguise themselves.
The production was led by Tobias Rosen and aims to show that terrorism is not about a religion but a few individuals who have ill motives that are not consistent with their religion. The film is based on the terrorist attack that happened on a Mandera-bound bus in December 2015.

The attack caused the deaths of two passengers and injuries to several other passengers. A primary school teacher who helped the Christians during the attack and was injured later succumbed to his injuries. Another lady Loice Anyango, the only Christian lady on board the bus that fateful day was aided by other Muslim women by giving her their diras as a disguise.
Honourable people like this! I only wish our own politicians had even a shred of this honour but I ain’t holding my breath. Below is the trailer: