Wangechi just turned 24 years old today and she became more than the wiser in life and in music(at least according to her).
The rapper opened up about her living life that used to please others other than her and now since she turned 24, she knows better. The beautiful singer and rapper, Wangechi opened up about
her life when she turned 24 years old.

This is what she said:
I started this whole music thing at the age of 19. Everything in my whole life revolved around it. Success and my value in my head was always, “how many plays or how many likes did I get” or “why didn’t the crowd scream as loud for me as I got on stage.” I placed the power over me and who I was in so many other people’s hands instead of my own. How I dressed. How I spoke. How I rhymed. How I looked. It’s easy not to listen to your own thoughts on who you are at such a young age cause basically “YOU DON’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE.”
5 years later and here I am finally deciding to take my life and music into my own hands. To create because I love it and not because it’s what the crowd wants to hear.
To put all my focus and mind in building a life of happiness because I can finally stand in front of a crowd and say I know who Wangechi is. I’m 24 now; that middle point of I should have my life together by now and f*** it you only live once. That point of my peers have such great jobs and I’m here still chasing a dream that is perceived as a hobby more than a career.
So here I go, 24 and winging it. Win or lose. Whether I’m the hammer or the nail, this year I’ll stay building.
Happy birthday Wangechi