Wakadinali released 'Kuna Siku Youths Wataungana' four years ago. Photo credit: Instagram: @wakadinali | @lwky.studio | @ivan.odie
Wakadinali released 'Kuna Siku Youths Wataungana' four years ago. Photo credit: Instagram: @wakadinali | @lwky.studio | @ivan.odie

Wakadinali predicted Youth unity four years ago with ‘Kuna Siku Youths Itaungana’ and Gen Z proved them to be prophets

3 mins read

Wakadinali foresaw the unification of the youth four years ago. As the definitive rap group capturing the essence of Eastlands’ youth, Wakadinali continues to resonate deeply with their audience.

The group, comprising the talented Scar Mkadinali, SewerSydaa, and Munga Domani, has carved out a significant place in Kenya’s music scene with their unique style and powerful lyrics.

Their hit song, ‘Kuna Siku Youths Wataungana,’ featuring Sir Bwoy, has become a prophetic anthem reflecting today’s reality. This track is just one of many successes for Wakadinali, who have consistently released impactful music that speaks to the struggles and triumphs of Nairobi’s youth.

The group’s ability to tell authentic stories through their music has earned them widespread acclaim, including numerous awards and accolades.

Wakadinali has been celebrated not only for their musical talents but also for their influence on youth culture and social consciousness. They’ve received shout-outs from industry giants and have been featured in major media outlets, cementing their status as key figures in the African rap scene. Their performances are known for their electrifying energy, and they’ve graced stages at major festivals and events, further showcasing their prowess.

The prophetic lyrics from ‘Kuna Siku Youths Wataungana’ encapsulate the group’s vision:

“Uh, uh
Haina noma, huna namna
Tuseme ‘bora uhai,’ haina maana
Achia noma Maulana
Life kwenye streets kakiumana
Juu kuna siku youths wataungana
Kuna siku youths wataungana
Haina noma, huna namna
Wakadinali, Wakadinali, mtoto wa mama”

In 2024, Kenyan Gen Z has rallied to have their voices heard, protesting the Financial Bill 2024. Their collective action compelled the President to not sign the bill, demonstrating the power of youth unity. This moment of youth coming together echoes the message in ‘Kuna Siku Youths Wataungana,’ highlighting Wakadinali’s foresight and relevance.

Was this the power of manifestation or simply Wakadinali’s exceptional lyrical prowess? Either way, their prediction has materialized in a powerful way, illustrating the profound impact of their artistry on society.

Watch the official music video for ‘Kuna Siku Youths Wataungana’ featuring Sir Bwoy and witness the vision of Wakadinali unfold.

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.