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Wait Till You Hear ‘Helena’. These Are The New Kids On The Block That Are Making Our Kenyan Ladies Drool After Them

2 mins read

Are they the new Sauti Sol? I can say for sure that these three great artistes are going to put the raise the standard in music from where Sauti Sol has set it and maybe in the near future surpass it because when you listen to these ‘new kids on the block’ who calls themselves Third Hand Music you will surely go nuts from hearing their vocals, and they way they make you feel like you are in the song, not listening to it but in the song as if they are trying to reach out and take your soul away from you.

Third Hand Music cover art
Third Hand Music cover art

And if I can say this bluntly and I am a full grown man, what will the ladies say, probably they will sh*t in their pants after listening to this three young lads who seems to know what they are doing. The song ‘Helena; dropped earlier today and from the looks of it, it’s going to capture a lot of souls and win a bunch of female attention and maybe something more and it’s [expletive] that I don’t need to stress it out.

If you want to listen to true,rich,soul music go no further because ‘Helena’ by Third Hand Music is here to grant all of your wishes with their God-given talented vocals. If you don’t trust a ninja don’t take my word for it (but lest who doesn’t)  just listen for yourselves and go ahead and sh*t in your pants, but don’t say you were not warned.

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.