Vioxii Dede on the phone

Vioxii Dede is now the proclaimed King of Swahili rap

2 mins read

Vioxii Dede aka the 5 star Swahili Rap General is a conscious rapper who has been keeping it real since day one. He got his name from the street after a series of dope singles five years ago. He is one of the best Swahili spitters of his generation.

The rapper is always addressing issues in politics and social life with impacted message despite his mainstream fame, Vioxii has been playing a major role in building, supporting and keeping the culture at hand.

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Having worked with alot of artistes both locally and international the rapper is set raise his foot to big levels and platforms. He is a good example of how a consistent artist should be and his rise has been steady ever since and this is vivid after his second album drop “Maktaba ya Mitaa” which was voted the best at Unkut Hip-hop awards in 2018.

Vioxii Dede
Vioxii Dede

He starts of the Year with ‘Dear Lil Brother’ an inspirational rap song that is set drop in a few days

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Vioxii Dede is a super lyricist to watch out for, taking over the arena with so much adrenaline and heat. Watching this rapper doing his thing and keeping it real is an inspiration to the Youths adventuring into music for the first time.

Coming this year the rapper has more track in store for release and bring back the real hip-hop into the game again. We are on the watch out for that.