It’s subtle, noble, and right to give accolades where’s due and Victoria Kimani is sure getting hers every single day. Recently she concluded her ‘Safari Tour’ the Kenyan version which was successful but of course with little hiccups here and there that got handled so to speak.
Victoria Kimani who made a fan in me forever when she released a single dubbed ‘Giving You’ which she featured Sarkodie jetted to South Africa where she met with Moozlie and Zinhle Jiyane aka DJ Zinhle who happens to be AKA’s baby mama and a talented and revered Dj in Johannesburg, Gauteng where Sanchoka is for the past few months, I wonder what’s up with people going to Gauteng every single time? just a thought

So you see Victoria Kimani has been making moves on the down-low linking up with the big people in the music industry not only in Kenyan and Nigeria and Tanzania but regionally.
What caught my attention however was the mere fact her song ‘Get Money’ off her first mixtape was played on VH1s ‘Teyana and Iman’ hit reality TV series and she couldn’t be happier.