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Valentine’s day: these are the key things you need to know

5 mins read

According to Wikipedia, Valentine’s Day is the day when people show their affection for another person (exclusively their other half) or people by sending cards, flowers or chocolates with messages of love.

Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, candies, gifts and/or flowers with their special ‘valentine’ date. The day of romance we call ‘Valentine’s Day’ is named for a Christian martyr and dates way back to the 5th century, but has origins in the Roman’s holiday Lupercalia.

So it’s that dreaded time of the year where everyone has a boyfriend or significant other.  The Internet will never go short of pieces telling you how to spend your valentine’s day & what gift you ought to give your spouse or your boyfriend or girlfriend. Sorry to burst your bubble, this is not that article.

Often, when we think about romantic gestures for Valentine’s Day, we often reverie of beautiful images filled with candle-lit dinners, roses and some scene from Nicholas Sparks Movies that most often than not usually makes women go crazy.

Black Couple loving each other

Unfortunately, life is not a Nicholas Sparks movie because in reality sometimes with such high expectations, you will only experience disappointment when your boyfriend doesn’t go to the extreme heights like the men in the Hollywood fantasy you have come to know and love.

Valentine’s Day, sadly, has become a holiday; all about how much money your significant other spends on you. Similar to Christmas, the true meaning of the holiday has been lost over the years.

Valentine’s Day is supposed to be about showing someone you love him or her, but now, it is all about how much you can buy for someone, and every store looks like its adapting to this wicked mantra because every single store seems to have a pink, heart-shaped tornado fly through it. Eish! It’s all about the dollar bills

Valentine’s Day is on a Sunday this year! In other words, there is no excuse for sitting home and feeling sad about it. Gather up your mates in church, social gatherings and go to town! Who knows who you will meet on that day? Probably your other significant half.

Being single on Valentine’s Day, or any other day, means you are free to focus on yourself, so DO you. You don’t have the added pressure of worrying about someone else all of the time. You can hang out with your friends whenever you want, make extra time to see your family and center your attention on your career/other passions.

cute couples loving

Never compare yourself to other people. Every person you know is at a different stage in his or her life. Just because people have something different from what you have, does not mean their lives are way better or worse. Focus on what you have and what you want. Chances are no one is completely satisfied with what they do have. Even the most successful, glamorous and beautiful-looking people has their issues.

If you are single on Valentine’s Day, you will, without a doubt, save a lot of money you would have otherwise spent trying to pull of your romantic gestures that will still never meet expectations perhaps.

 Photo Courtesy of http://www.canstockphoto

Photo Courtesy of http://www.canstockphoto

loving_black_couple at the horizon

February 14 is just another day in the calendar. There is no reason it should make you feel any emotions about your relationship status. If you are in a relationship, I ask you this: Why do you have wait until a Hallmark holiday to show your love? There will be many Valentine’s Days in your life. On some of them, you will be single; on some of them, you will be in a relationship. Things change; you never know what will happen. Doesn’t stress about today, just think about all of the good tomorrow will bring and put your energy onto it.


If you still feel bad about being single on Valentine’s Day, there is always wine. Drink it, a lot of it and get over it because the following day will be Monday and you know what is expected of you on Mondays…