Uhuru Kenyatta dabs and dances with FBI Dance Crew

1 min read

Almost everybody is saying that Uhuru Kenyatta is a cool President especially the young folks and he has even been compared by many like Barack Obama since they have the same swag and have certain similarities like they are both lefties and are almost the same age and height.

Uhuru Kenyatta is known for engaging the youth and he is always around where the fun is and even this video with the ‘thitima’ musicians urging Kenyans to register as voters can utterly prove that


Say what you want but I haven’t seen an African President dab and bust some moves like President Uhuru Kenyatta like he did earlier on today at the State House with a renowned dance group in the country, FBI Dance Crew. check out the pictures of him dancing and dabbing.

read also: Mbusii and Uhuru Kenyatta hangs out like two wajanjas

I am a Pan-Afrikanist to the core and love to let the world know what they are missing in Africa. I might do that through music and some interesting posts from time to time so please bare with me.

I will always be real though, that's a guarantee.