This What Mugo wa Wairimu Did To His Daughter That Landed Him In Trouble over The Weekend Again!

1 min read

Mugo wa Wairimu has done something even the gods will not forgive him for this time around.

Mugo wa Wairimu came into the limelight after an alleged s#x scandal between him and a patient at one of his clinics.

What has he done this time you wonder?
Angry Kenyans jumped on Mugo’s neck over the past weekend for what the quack did to his own daughter.

Mugo posted a picture of him and his 1-year-old daughter at a pub. There was a glass of presumably liquor in front of them.

Mugo’s decision to take his one year old daughter to a drinking den is what annoyed Kenyans who found his behavior sickening.

Trolls followed the photo Mugo wa Wairimu uploaded with some even hinting the ‘doctor’ wanted to sedate her own daughter with liquor and do to her what he was caught on camera doing to his female patients.
