Rumors had it that Zari was going to abort Diamond’s unborn son because of her husband’s alleged love affair with Wasafi Classic Baby’s (WCB) video vixen Irene Hillary alias Lynn.
Diamond has been said to be fooling around with Lynn countless times ever since the lass featured in Raymond’s video “Kwetu”.

Rumors of Zari threatening to abort Diamond’s unborn baby were just that, rumors. Actually Zari at no time did Zari threaten to abort.
Diamond also denied having an affair with Lynn saying the only relationship he has with her concerns matter music only.
“Unajua uhusiano una changamoto nyingi sana lakini ninachoweza kushukuru ni kwamba leo hii mimba ya baby wangu ina zaidi ya miezi minne na Mungu akijaalia mwezi Desemba nitapata mtoto mwingine wa kiume, hayo mengine tuyaache. Unajua watu wanaongea sana hasa kwenye mitandao ya kijamii lakini sisi ni waelewa na hatuwezi kuwapa watu nafasi watuharibie.” Diamond disclosed.