Things Get THICK as Raila Odinga And his CORD Colleagues Are Sued!

2 mins read

Things are about to get out of control if these demos by CORD continue. The owners of the matatus that were set ablaze by CORD supporters are taking Raila Odinga and CORD to courts.

CORD has been sued over the Monday, June 6, anti-IEBC protests which resulted to loss of property and damages worth millions.

In particulat the owner of the matatu that was burnt and other businesspersons have gone to the courts and sued CORD for property destroyed during the protests.

They are calling for a stop and further want CORD to compensate them for losses incurred during the Raila Odinga led protests that seem to be escalating forward.
Through lawyers Agnes Macharia,Wilfred Ogot and Prime City Transporters Sacco,they want CORD leaders Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula to pay for the property destroyed by their supporters during the protests.

“There is a very real apprehension that these demonstrations, if allowed to continue unabated, will most certainly lead to further destruction of property. It will be in the interest of justice and public interest that our requests be allowed and granted,” Ogot said as quoted by Nation.

The business owners also want the court to stop the CORD protests on grounds that they will lead to destruction of more property in the country.

However, Justice Isaac Lenaola declined to issue any orders and instead directed that the CORD leaders be served with the case documents before any directions are given Monday, June 13.

CORD said that the demos will go on every Monday and Thursday after they declined the offer proposed by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

President Uhuru said that a parliamentary committee constituted by members from CORD and JAP would be set up to look into the IEBC crisis.

Raila Odinga and the CORD team say,the only dialogue that they are willing to participate in is that set at the Presidential level.