Tedd Josiah made a 3-minutes long video explaining how Kenyan celebrities and the people in general have let down the country. Photo credit: Instagram/teddjosiah

Tedd Josiah disappointed with Kenyan celebrities and musicians for not speaking up against government

4 mins read

Tedd Josiah has opened up about what he feels about the Kenyan celebrities and influencers in regard to their stand speaking up against the government and he’s not impressed.

The outspoken record producer who has ventured into the fashion realm took to social media telling the Kenyan celebrities and musicians to style up and speak for the youth.

Josiah believes the youth are looking up to them[celebrities] “for a voice of reason and thought”, expecting them to speak out for them.

“How does a govt focus on politics during a global health crisis that’s taking the lives of those we love and care for?” Tedd Josiah shared in part on social media.

“How do our celebrities and people with influence stay silent through this VERY VERY LARGE MISS-STEP by the Kenyan government?” he added.

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Josiah even talked about the brain-drain era during the former President, Daniel Arap Moi that saw a lot of professionals leaving the country for greener pastures because the government never stood up for them.

Dr. George Njoroge, Ph.D.

This brain drain era saw for instant, a Kenyan-born, American-based doctor, Dr. George Njoroge relocate to the United States of America where he played a huge role in cancer and immunology research and discovery.

Dr. F. George Njoroge, Ph.D., is a Kenyan-born scientist, who has been awarded over 100 patents in the United States for his work in cancer and immunology research and discovery.

Dr. George Njoroge, PhD (second from left), receives honorary doctorate from Mount Kenya University

Dr. F. George Njoroge, Ph.D. was honored with the “Pioneer Award for Impact in Science & Medicine” at the 7th annual FACE List Awards Gala in New York, on Saturday, July 14, 2018.

Over the years, I have received numerous accolades here in the USA and elsewhere, however, being recognized by an afro-centric organization is just remarkable and makes me dance with joyful exhilaration.

Dr George Njoroge on being honoured at the FACE List Awards.

Cases like that of Lilly Scientist, Dr. George Njoroge, PhD, is one among the many cases of the brain-drain era that took place a couple of decades ago that Tedd Josiah is talking about on his powerful video on social media after the

Tedd Josiah openly said the people and the government has let down the doctors, lecturers, doctors, and professionals in the country.

“All the families in the country have people who’ve lost jobs, had pay cuts, lost loved ones to this pandemic and yet we want to all pretend it’s ok.

THINGS ARE NOT OK when a young doctor only 28 years old serves you until he dies and cannot access health insurance has not been paid a salary and leaves dependants with no way out! PLEASE SPEAK UP AND SHARE THIS MESSAGE. WE NEED THINKERS IN GOVERNMENT AND DOERS NOT POLITRICKS” Tedd Josiah added in the caption.

Tedd Josiah shared a lengthy clip on social media speaking directly to Kenyans directly, celebrities notwithstanding.

“guys is wake up time, we really need to wake up, these are not things to play about with,” Tedd Josiah urged Kenyans on a 3-minutes-long video on social media.

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