Tanasha Donna on set shooting Radio

Tanasha Donna finally addresses ghostwriter claims

2 mins read

Tanasha Donna was recently, unapologetically called out by one upcoming female rapper Bey T who didn’t come to play in the industry and she made that perfectly clear on the diss track she released, she didn’t even filter anything out calling out Tanasha Donna on the song ‘Don to the donna’ and yes she had a lot to say about Donna’s latest release and debut record dubbed ‘Radio’ which features another rapper and fellow NRG radio host Barak Jacuzzi.

Bey T had the most to say on her diss track tailored exclusively for Tanasha Donna which even made people talk about her on social media, she even trended on Twitter the day she released her diss track. If you haven’t listened to the record in question, then you have to read: rapper Bey T destroys Tanasha Donna on her latest diss track

Tanasha Donna on set of 'Radio' music video shoot which is her debut record featuring Barak Jacuzzi which also happens to be a hit, clearly the record has opened more doors for her. photo credit: Instagram/tanashadonna
Tanasha Donna on set of ‘Radio’ music video shoot which is her debut record featuring Barak Jacuzzi which also happens to be a hit, clearly the record has opened more doors for her. photo credit: Instagram/tanashadonna

After the diss track was released, Tanasha Donna came forward to share through her social media that is exponentially growing about how she has been receiving few questions regarding herself writing her own songs.

“got few questions lately of people asking if I write my own songs.” she posted on Instagram stories.

Tanasha Donna opened up and said that she writes her own songs without any help from anyone whatsoever and if in the future she gets the opportunity and/or feels the need to have somebody write for her a song, she would happily oblige to it and even give credits where it’s due to the person who will have wrote the song for her.

“YES I WRITE ALL MY SONGS and I do happen to have a song written for me in future, I will always give credit where due.” Tanasha Donna added on Instagram stories.