Tabitha Mukami Muigai Karanja who is a businesswoman, entrepreneur, and industrialist and the founder and current Chief Executive Officer of Keroche Breweries commemorated the death of her last born daughter, Tecra Muigai.
Tecra Muigai died on May 2 this year in the company of her boyfriend at their Lamu home in Shela Village, Omar Lali and since then, Tabitha’s world has never been the same again.
Tecra was buried on May 16 which was attended by close friends and family in privacy at their Naivasha home.
Tabitha Karanja opened up like never before in a series of tweets marking 100 days since her daughter, Tecra Muigai passed away.
“This week marks 100 days since we laid to rest my last born daughter Tecra.” Mrs. Karanja said. “Her death left me brokenhearted without an idea of how to move forward.
People say to give it time. But truth is that time changes nothing. What has changed is my eyes have been opened to more truths,”

Mrs. Karanja went on to admit that she misses her daughter’s company and her counsel now more than ever since she fell in love with the way Tecra lived life, especially with her insatiable curiosity.
Anerlisa Muigai mourns and celebrates sister Tecra Muigai sharing light moments they had together
“29 years ago when Tecra was gifted to me, I was drawn to her insatiable curiosity.
Through the years I benefitted from her outlook of the world. She became my sounding board in my very private life and my public life as an entrepreneur. I dearly miss her counsel and company.” she went on.
Apparently Tecra Muigai touched everybody’s life in more than 20 countries she has even been to and her mother, Tabitha said that she has talked with people from those different countries proving that Tecra’s life was full of inspiring people around her who she touched their lives for the better and made them a better person.
“I’ve heard from friends in 20 countries whose lives Tecra touched & inspired. Her life proves what differentiates people is – opportunity” Mrs. Karanja opened up saying how grateful she is for all the prayers coming her way from friends and family that helped her ease the pain of her family away.
“Thank you all for prayers that helped ease our pain. For those in a similar place, I pray for grace to live & grieve at the same time.”