Susan Namu

New hot photos of Susan Namu! Wagithomo’s tapes leaked like Mary Lincon’s uncovered!

2 mins read

Susan Namu was the name that went viral after her raunchy photos and videos were allegedly leaked.

The light-skinned Gospel singer had a rough time and emotional attack when the unfortunate happened.

Kenyans are still remembering the videos of reportedly Susan Namu, pleasing herself as she wished, and are now debating, who among them i.e. Mary Lincon versus Susan Namu expose was lit.

Anyway,  a lot has happened to and for Susan Namu since that eerie year when her world was turned upside down.

The ‘wagithomo’ singer has a lot to share; On her YouTube channel, she shares blogs of interesting life stories, cooking, advice to Kenyans in general, marriage e.t.c.

We’ve compiled some pretty conservative photos of Susan Namu, the icon and role model possibly to some but a questionable artist to those who saw her intimate photos and videotapes.

Photo of Akorino artist and Gospel singer Susan Namu courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu
Photo of Akorino artist and Gospel singer Susan Namu at home/courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu
Photo of Akorino artist and Gospel singer Susan Namu courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu
Photo of Akorino artist and Gospel singer Susan Namu showing off her beauty/courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu
Photo of Akorino artist and Gospel singer Susan Namu courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu
Photo of Akorino artist and Gospel singer Susan Namu at a set/courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu
Photo of Akorino artist and Gospel singer Susan Namu courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu
Photo of Gospel singer Susan Namu looking holy and innocent/courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu
Photo of Akorino artist and Gospel singer Susan Namu courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu
Photo of Akorino artist and Gospel singer Susan Namu dolled up indoors/ courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu
Photo of Akorino artist and Gospel singer Susan Namu courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu
Photo of Akorino artist and Gospel singer Susan Namu in a face-beat make up/courtesy of Instagram @susan__namu

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