Sipangwingwi by Exray Taniua is the most trending song right now

1 min read

Sipangwingwi gets on the trending tabs on all streaming outlets. A masterpiece song created by Exray Taniua, a dynamic gengetone artist featuring two other artistes that are Trio Mio and Ssaru.

The trending song is all over TikTok and has gained enormous reception and an equal amount of views on YouTube nearly attained one million streams. Till now no song has received this kind of rotation and is being aired everywhere, this is enough to tell you what a mega-hit song sounds like.

Sipangwingwi has a catchy flow and rhythm, from the outstanding memorable chorus to the on-point rap verses from the featured superstars’ Trio Mio and Ssaru. You can’t miss Exray Taniua in the list of notable names dropping relentless hit songs every period, it’s not a surprise that this song is now out and trending everywhere.

Exray Taniua is literally the only artist in Kenya who has claimed his rightful position in entertainment and proved everyone else no competition. He is set to release more bangers like this one, now go and check Sipangwingwi on YouTube.

Stream Sipangwingwi via the link below

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