Silverstone Barz released one of the best projects for a debut project that solidified her as one of the best upcoming rappers to sprout out of Nakuru County if not the only one.
In a matter of few months, Silverstone Barz made a name for herself in the hip hop industry in the shortest time ever for a freshman.
In the mixtape that features hard bass trap beats as produced by upcoming record producers, she tackles and reflects on various issues that come with being a female rapper in Nairobi striving to climb to the top in a male-dominated industry but with great expectations of actually going past her own expectations as she has experienced already, female consciousness, street life, and hustle, love, and lust aspirational wealth!
In her Queen Pin mixtape, Silverstone Barz has a hit record dubbed ‘Frenz With Them’ that you can’t get enough of.
The hook is off the hook and very catchy!
The ‘Frenz with them’ song in particular is a strong emotional piece that talks about false and/or fake connections that one realizes they have had with the friends they were counting on as real people!

The song emphasizes accepting what is & moving smart and moving on! Falling apart isn’t an option, standing on sure grounds and doing you is!
“The video was a circus theme, with crazy makeup from movie characters, showing how the mask hides our true intent and serves as simply entertainment! It is all a play, it was all a play the whole time!” Silverstone Barz says about the official music video for ‘Friendz With Them’.
SilversTone Barz is controlling hip hop thanks to her ‘Queenpin’ project
The song’s beats are characterized by heavy bass trap beats, sweet moody melodies, an open beat that allows the artist to be expressive and be heard clearly especially on the verses!
Watch the official music video for ‘Friendz With Them’ as written and performed by Silverstone Barz taken off the Queenpin mixtape.