Sanchoka who was on a recent interview with Global Publishers opened up about her ideal perfect man and too much surprise she isn’t materialistic at all and she doesn’t ‘angalia sura’(doesn’t care about how a man looks).

Real name Jane Rimoy opened up about what kind of man she’s into and one that can sweep her off her feet head over heels. For starters, she doesn’t care how a man looks like so long as he can love her not for her looks alone but what’s inside her especially her heart.
“A man can see you and fall in love with you but he falls below your criteria of expectations, personally, a manly and hard working man, has a high chance to be in my life, I do not consider looks” Sanchoka said speaking to Global Publishers in Tanzania.
But of course a man to be able to take care of Sanchoka, he has to be financially stable or utasaidiwa(someone will help you) because she seems expensive to take care of.
So if you fit the cloth, you sure have a shot with the beautiful goddess that even has Davido double-touching her photos on the gram.