Comedienne Shorn Arwa who has since made a name for herself through Instagram with her heart-to-heart long video talks to men during the Coronavirus, COVID-19 period is back again with another one.
Shorn Arwa’s has one of the most viral videos that has since been shared numerous times on social media.
The first video that she shared saw her directly speaking with “sponsors” from a slay queen’s point of view lamenting on how their sponsors have forsaken them because they are quarantined at home with their wives caring less about them.
The first video, of course, was hilarious and something that will be a classic in comedy (if that was the intention, to begin with) but she’s back yet again with a brand new video that is as entertaining as the first one.
Her latest video of address is aimed at the young men, slay queen’s boyfriends who are always broke all the time and only fueled by the lust of sleeping with them and messing up with their walking style because of too much lungula.
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Shorn is bound to make you crack a rib or two, especially after you get to hear what she has to say on her second video. Let me not spoil the surprise for you, watch it below.