Ex Mother-In-Law actress Shiro Waruinge shares WhatsApp screenshots of a thirsty Indian man trying to get a smash

1 min read

Team Mafisi be warned, these ladies are not loyal, and you might find your chat doing rounds online. Like in the case of one Khan and Shee Waruinge, miss Facebook and ex Citizen Tv’s Mother in Law actress.

Khan though he’d someone to impress and probably smash, Shee Waruinge was just sharing screenshots under the hashtag #SheeAndKhanTelemundo.

“When I lose interest in a conversation cause of something you said or did, the bxxch inside me comes out to play. But this one has refused to give up” Jacqueline Shiro Waruinge said on Facebook as she shared the 5 photos of the Indian man who identifies to “Khan” at least according to Waruinge.

And of course, Mr. Khan had no idea his conversation with Shiro was soon going to be in public domain.