A Kenyan developer, Shadrack Matata, a Software engineer, Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber security expert and enthusiast says he has developed software than can track stolen devices and read SMS and WhatsApp messages secretly.
He studied at Moi University.
Shadrack Matata reveals his inspiration that led to the development of this very essential tool, that can help lower phone snatching as Nairobians face insecurity incidents that are on the rise in the CDB.

“Exactly a month ago, I became a victim of armed robbery where I lost several gadgets and sustained a couple of internal injuries,” Shadrack Matata said in part.
“The 2-hour near-death experience gave birth to an idea that I have started working on today.
I’m working on an open-source anti-theft feature that will survive factory reset and OS re-installs. I can’t promise that it will be impossible to bypass but I’ll make sure it’s very uneconomical to do so.
For instance, if a device costs KES 15,000 , It should cost the thief KES 35,000 to bypass the anti-theft feature.If you’re interested in being part of this, inbox me. You don’t haven’t be a techie. You can bring in more ideas and we’ll implement them in language that computers can understand. You can also sponsor/fund this research work,” he added.

Famous Twitter Tweep Osama Otero, ignited a conversation while seeking support and advice for a friend in need. Osama asked, ” A campus friend got married last month. Saa hii anasaka software ya kuread sms na whatsapp messages chini ya maji…any leads?”
Shadrack Matata responded saying, “We are building something at to track and control your phone when it’s stolen but it can be used for this purpose. For now it’s FREE and for educational purposes only.”
As usual, there are a few Kenyans who tried to shoot down his idea, arguing that devices always come with such a feature in-built by the manufacturers.
A good question arises; have you ever lost a device and were you able to track and locate it successfully?
Tell us how you did it? Because you are probably one in over 45 Million!
Also check out Shadrack’s tool here and let us know what you think!
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