Mr. Seth Mahiga has resigned as the Secretary of Atheists in Kenya society after serving them for one and a half years. His reason for resigning is because he has found Jesus Christ. Photo credit: Courtesy
Mr. Seth Mahiga has resigned as the Secretary of Atheists in Kenya society after serving them for one and a half years. His reason for resigning is because he has found Jesus Christ. Photo credit: Courtesy

Seth Mahiga resigns from Atheist in Kenya Society after finding Jesus

3 mins read

Seth Mahiga doesn’t want to be associated with the Atheist in Kenya Society any longer after he found God through Jesus Christ.

The former Secretary of the Atheist in Kenya Society does not want to promote and perpetuate Atheism in Kenya after he confessed to having found Jesus Christ and welcomed him into his heart and personal life as his Savior.

Seth leaving the Atheist in Kenya society was corroborated by the organizations’ official Twitter handle.

“This evening, regretfully, our Secretary Mr. Seth Mahiga made the decision to resign from his position as Secretary of our society.

Seth’s reason for resigning is that he has found Jesus Christ and is no longer interested in promoting atheism in Kenya. ” The tweet announcing Seth Mahiga leaving the society read accompanied by an official letter confirming his resignation.

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The president of the society, Mr. Harrison Mumia has since declared the Secretary position in the society vacant asking anybody and everybody in Kenya who are atheists to apply for the vacant position that has been occupied by Mr. Seth Mahiga for the past one and a half years.

Mr. Harrison wished Mr. Seth nothing but the best in his new faith.

The letter dated 29th May 2021 as written by the Atheist in Kenya Society President, Mr. Harrison Mumia read:

“This evening, regretfully, the Secretary of the Atheists in Kenya Society Mr. Seth Mahiga, informed me that he had made the decision to resign from his position as Secretary of the society.

Seth’s reason for resigning is that he has found Jesus Christ and is no longer interested in promoting atheism in Kenya.

We wish Seth all the best in his newfound relationship with Jesus Christ. We thank him for having served the society with dedication over the last one and half years.

The position of Secretary of the Society has been rendered vacant. We are calling upon Kenyan atheists who would wish to join our Executive Committee to send their CVs to [email protected]

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