Sauti Sol definitely don’t need no introduction when it comes to Kenyan Music, heck, African Music. I mean they have done it all, shared one stage with international artistes, done a collabo with Nigeria’s Iyanya for Sura Yako(which is doing good by the way), released a controversial music video “Nishike” which shook Kenyan entertainment industry as we know it and even got the one and only American RnB singer Trey Songz sing their Nishike song in the club.
Well, yesternight was the prestigious Kilimanjaro Tanzania Music Awards (#KTMA2015) and as always, Sauti Sol emerged the victor in the category of “Best Song in East Africa“. this didn’t come as a surprise to many as Sauti Sol are way talented than anyone will care to admit. Last year was a very good year for Sauti Sol as they won the 2014 MTV EMA Best African Act and got nominated for the 2014 MTV EMA Worldwide Act. This year is going to be an awesome one as well for them since they have started off with a nice start by winning the Best Song in East Africa in the Kilimanjaro Tanzania Music Awards and being nominated for MTV’s #MTVMAMA2015 Best Group & Best Song and BET’s BET Awards 2015.

If you would love to help Sauti Sol get this award that they clearly deserve, kindly log into and vote because every single vote counts. Let’s bring this Award home. #TeamSautiSol4Ever