Ruto's expensive watch. Photo/Courtesy

Ruto’s Ksh6.7 million wrist watch was gifted to him – Karen Nyamu 

2 mins read


Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu has come to the defense of President William Ruto following public criticism over his expensive wristwatch.

Amid growing discontent over the Finance Bill 2024, Kenyans have raised concerns about the president’s apparent extravagance while imposing heavy taxes on the populace.

Critics have pointed out that President Ruto’s Ksh6.7 million Bvlgari Octo Finissimo watch could fund several projects across the country.

This accusation comes at a time when many Kenyans are feeling the pinch of proposed tax hikes under the new bill.

In a passionate social media post, Nyamu dismissed the concerns as misplaced, asserting that the focus should be on substantive issues within the Finance Bill rather than on the president’s personal accessories.

She claimed that the watch was likely a gift and criticized those questioning Ruto’s lifestyle.

“You want to question the watch a president wears? Are you crazy? A man who ran a presidential campaign worth billions? You’re surprised he has an expensive watch? It’s probably a gift. You have a great opportunity to voice real issues of your generation that have long been ignored and also focus on the clauses of the bill you find punitive. Stop side shows and let the government take you seriously,” Nyamu wrote.

The debate over President Ruto’s watch has become a symbol of the broader dissatisfaction with the government’s economic policies.

The Finance Bill 2024, which includes significant tax increases, has sparked widespread protests and criticism from various sectors of society.

Protesters argue that the bill disproportionately affects ordinary citizens, exacerbating their financial burdens.

This has led to a series of nationwide demonstrations, with thousands of Kenyans taking to the streets to express their opposition to the bill and to call for greater accountability from their leaders.

As the controversy continues, the government faces mounting pressure to address the concerns of its citizens. The public’s focus on the president’s watch underscores the deep-seated frustration with perceived government excesses at a time of economic hardship for many Kenyans.

Related: Nadia Mukami blasts senator Karen Nyamu over insensitive remarks on Finance Bill 2024