Ruth Matete remembers her late husband Pastor John Apewajoye one year after his death. Photo credit: Instagram/pstruthmatete
Ruth Matete remembers her late husband Pastor John Apewajoye one year after his death. Photo credit: Instagram/pstruthmatete

Ruth Matete misses her late Nigerian husband Pastor John Apewajoye

3 mins read

Ruth Matete honored her late husband Pastor John Apewajoye after one year since he died.

The former TPF Winner wrote a heartfelt post on social media expressing how much she misses him every day. Pastor John Apewajoye died only 5 months after their grand wedding.

“One year ago a day like today 11th April 2020, my husband Pastor Belovedjohn Apewajoye went to be with the Lord, 5 months after our wedding😭😭.

I could write a book on the events that followed after he was pronounced dead,” Ruth Matete shared in part.

Matete went on to add how the death affected her very much since she was 2-months pregnant with their beautiful daughter Toluwa.

“It’s been crazy. It’s been hard. But God’s grace has kept me. I was 2 months pregnant with my daughter when her father died. I didn’t know how I was going to make it or if I was even going to make it.

But God! This post comes to say a big thank you to God for keeping me, and to you my friend, fan who stood in the gap for me.

I am eternally grateful. Even though, we know that we all are gonna die someday, somehow no one is ever ready when death knocks.” she went on.

Ruth Matete took time to thank God for enabling her to get through all the challenging part in her life because she didn’t know how she will make it through but she eventually did.

Matete went on to add that she misses her husband, even more, when their daughter Toluwa achieves any milestone confessing that some days are usually very hard to go through but she has to pull herself together for the sake of her young daughter, Toluwa.

“I miss my husband so much😥😥. Every milestone my baby Toluwa achieves, I wish that her father would be here to celebrate it with me.

But such is life. Some days are really hard. I have accepted the fact that healing will take time. I won’t rush myself. I’ll heal when I heal.

One day I was a wife. Today am a widow😭😭.

To be honest some days it all feels like a dream.

It’s a hard day for me.. Been trying to block it by watching movies and playing with Toluwa, but it’s hard😭. Even the strongest of us need to be held in prayers some days.

Today, is that day for me. A short prayer, a text message, call will help. I really covet your prayers.”



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