Ruth Matete painfully narrates how she has been bedevilled by deaths
Ruth Matete and her late husband John Olakami Apewajoye. PHOTO/Courtesy.

Ruth Matete feels vindicated 4 years after she was accused of killing her Nigerian husband 

2 mins read

Gospel singer Ruth Matete was widowed just five months into her wedding. She lost her husband Beloved John Olakami Apewajoye in a tragic accident on April 11th, 2020.

Ruth’s late husband died from injuries he sustained after a fire accident at their home, he was admitted to Kenyatta National Hospital for two weeks before he succumbed to fire-related injuries while undergoing treatment.

Immediately after Apewajoye died, a close family to the couple -Jesse Mcjessiey came out to accuse the singer of allegedly having a hand in her husband’s death.

He shared a video that highlighted the couple’s troubled marriage alleging that Matete was violent towards her husband and had reportedly stabbed him.

John Apewajoye’s best friend, and manager Jesse Mcjessiey alleges Ruth Matete had a hand in her husband’s death(VIDEO)

Ruth Matete was grilled by the police over her husband death but she was not charged as the investigation proved Apewajoye’s death was an accident.

Fast forward to May 1, 2024, Ruth Matate took to social media to express the joy she feels after being vindicated following accusations that she had a hand in her late husband’s death.

“I was to write a very long post. By now you know I can really do long posts . But I realized that, that would mean writing down all that has happened in the last four years. Then I changed my mind. So here I am, trying to make it as short as possible. It’s been four years. Life kind of moved on, but something was still pending,” Ruth Matete wrote on social media accompanied by screenshots of news stories covering her husband’s death.

Related: Actor Abel Amunga addresses claims his daughter Ruth Matete killed her Nigerian husband