Robert Alai:Nothing Scares My Kalenjin Brothers And Sisters Like a Torch Which is About to Go Off!Why You Wonder? FULL DETAILS

2 mins read

Why are we here again?about the very important person who was rushed under heavy security,and kept as top secret at Nairobi Hospital?

Well, Robert Alai was crucified for reportedly alleging that DP Ruto was the vvip that night, but after hours and photo evidence, he accepted that he was duped by his sources.

That time the blogger says government machinery worked to discredit him, via messages on all his platforms,he’s moved on from that!

Anyway Robert Alai now CONFIRMS and AFFIRMS that…He was Right!

Via a Facebook Post He says..

When I reported that DP Ruto was admitted at Nairobi Hospital (confirmed as true) and he was discharged after 4 hours, I discovered one thing about my Kalenjin brothers and sister. There is nothing which scares them like a torch which is about to go off.

Hate SMS and calls to me were being coordinated from the Office of the Deputy President. Eric Ngeno and my friend Itumbi marshaled their friends to send at least 10,000 messages to Alai.

That is how low civil servants who are supposed to be apolitical are going to protect ethnic kingpins. I became the punching bag of the day for most MPs, Senators and Governors who support Ruto.

Kenya is doomed when you realise that it is civil servants who coordinate hate messages, propaganda and attack on innocent Kenyans they don’t agree with. I might disagree with you but I can’t kill you because I don’t like what you say. We must appreciate diverse opinions. Some don’t.


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