It’s about time that the youth gets to have their own voice represented in parliament and that’s what the Kenyan trio did.
The trio has even registered a political party ahead of the general election in 2022.
The trio that comprises; Riziki Dunstan, Amemba Magufuli, and Fredrick Ojiambo are young, energetic, and have intentions of bringing fresh young new blood in the political scene that is aimed at changing the youth’s future in the country.
Their new political party is called the National Reconstruction Alliance Party of Kenya(NRA) whose slogan is “Mwamko Mpya” and has its headquarters on Ngong-Matasia.
The NRA boasts of having fully functional offices in 41 counties and over 500,000 registered members across the country ahead of the general elections.

NRA might be the only political party in Kenya that has the majority of its national officials being 35 years and below which is somewhat precedence in the Kenyan political scene.
“The party shall be opening offices in all the counties in Kenya, we shall be opening our offices in Baringo and Marsabit soon, we are looking forward to opening constituency offices in at least 120 constituencies.
We are ready and we are gearing towards rolling up our sleeves to do what ought to be done.” Riziki said.
Here are some of the photos NRA offices that they have opened already.
Ojiambo, a theology student in the USA emphasized the party’s main aim is to bring sane leadership and not just to act like a political vehicle.
“NRA Is not a political Vehicle But rather our vision is to build political institutions that will outlive its founders.
Our vision as founder members is to see that we have a political institution that shall create a crop of leaders and responsible citizenry in this great country called Kenya.” Ojiambo said.
Riziki added they had already been approached by a number of presidential candidates but are yet to accept their proposals.
‘’Politics is an art of numbers and science of ideas with an object of changing people’s lives. A number of Presidential aspirants have approached the party, we shall interact with them and at the right time ….for sure we shall field a strong presidential candidate, you never know the first objective of a party is to transform lives through acquisition of Power, we shall no depart from those principles” Riziki added.

Amemba Magufuli who is the Party Secretary-General concluded by insisting NRA is a people’s party that welcomes people from all backgrounds, specifically the humble one.
“NRA is and shall remain as a people’s party, as you see its founders none is a billionaire, none is a fake hustler.
NRA is a party for the average Kenyan from humble backgrounds but who believe in the beauty of their ideas, NRA is a party registered by young ambitious Kenyans who want a newly reconstructed Kenya for all of us.
Kenya is a rich nation but we have been taken aback by the corrupt and bad leadership, we want to sound a warning shot to the corrupt as a party we shall not tolerate and accommodate the corrupt, we shall fight the corrupt at all levels of government by all means,” Magufuli said.
“As a party, we believe in community engagement but more importantly we believe in the involvement of youths in governance of their country at all levels.
The founders of this great party are young, ordinary men and women ( I consider these are the true hustlers) with zeal and passion to transform this great country- the genuine “hustler spirit” added Fred Ojiambo one of its founders currently based in the US.
“‘A number of Presidential Aspirants have approached the party, we shall interact with them and at the right time …. for sure we shall field a strong presidential never know the first objective of a party is to transform lives through acquisition of power, we shall no depart from those principles”
Riziki Dunstan wants the youth to actively participate in active politics in the country for both young women and men, pushing hard even on the county level.
“We encourage young people to actively participate in the governance of their country and counties.
We will be pushing for the active participation of youth and women in politics moreso at the county level we shall mainstream the active participation of the youths, women, and persons with disability” Riziki said.
“We need young people to be able to believe in themselves and understand the need to reconstruct our nationhood to transform Kenya into a country where all of us can enjoy our nationhood, our youths can have jobs, our youths can get business opportunities just like any other person.”
The professional lawyer, Riziki Dunstan went ahead to confirm that they have all systems in place and ready to conduct a national recruitment exercise.