Ringtone was on thrown out of a graduation party in Runda on Wednesday night after causing drama. The controversial gospel singer was embarrassed as he was dragged out of the gig.
Nairobi News reports that Ringtone gatecrashed at a graduation party that a famous media owner had thrown for his son after successful aviation training abroad.
Ringtone, who also resides in the leafy Runda suburb, drove in unannounced at the party after seeing the gate was opened with several vehicles parked inside the compound.

Drama ensued after the controversial gospel singer was asked to produce his invitation card. The party was attended by about 40 people comprising of family members and close friends, none of whom had invited Ringtone.
The singer lied that he had been invited by the tycoon’s wife, who apparently was not even in-attendance as she was out of the country.
Security was called and Ringtone was ultimately thrown out of the party. He hurled insults at people as he was being dragged out of the party.
Ringtone reported the incident at Runda police station, claiming that his phone, gold chains and watch were stolen when he was thrown out of the party.