Eptysum Akinyi and Ringtone
Eptysum Akinyi and Ringtone. Photo credit: Biggest Kaka

Ringtone steps in to help struggling socialite Eptysum Akinyi

2 mins read

Eptysum Akinyi posted a heartbreaking video on social media appealing for financial aid from Kenyans, the fast-rising socialite said her situation was so dire she could no longer afford to pay rent and even put food on the table.

Many people empathized with the bootyful socialite but couldn’t raise money to help her sort her financial situation.

Help came from Ringtone, the gospel singer said he was touched by Akinyi’s plea for help claiming that God had spoken to him to assist her.

Socialite Shakilla names Khaligraph Jones, Otile Brown, Ringtone, Willy Paul as celebrities she has slept with

“When am saw this lady cry it me cried too😭😭😭 please someone put me contact with her. God has spoken to me to help her 🙏🙏🙏 or just sent me her mpesa number,” wrote Ringtone.