"Huyu mtu ni wazimu" - Ringtone shocked by what Justina Syokau did
Justina Syokau and Ringtone. PHOTO/Courtesy.

Ringtone explains why he turned down Justina Syokau’s romantic advances 

2 mins read

The self-proclaimed chairman of the gospel music industry, Ringtone Apoko, has once again revisited his playful banter with Justina Syokau regarding the prospect of romance.

It’s worth noting that over two years ago, Justina Syokau openly expressed her desire to marry the chairman of the gospel industry, Ringtone Apoko, in various interviews.

However, despite his long-standing success in the music industry, Ringtone seemed to engage in a game of cat and mouse with Syokau’s affections, sidestepping the question of whether he would entertain her proposal or not.

In a recent interview, Ringtone candidly elaborated on the reasons behind his decision to decline Justina Syokau’s advances and their shared aspirations of spreading the gospel together as a couple.

According to Ringtone, he seeks a partner who dedicates the majority of their time to praising God. However, his observations suggested that Justina prefers to spend an ample amount of time in intimate settings.

“These worldly matters you’re fixated on aren’t my focus. I prioritize finding a woman devoted to God, someone who can pray fervently for seven hours straight each day. Someone who acknowledges that God created us to propagate and respects that biblical principle. Essentially, I desire a woman passionately committed to matters of faith,” Ringtone articulated.

“When Justina expressed her desire for us to wed, I conducted my due diligence and discovered her inclination towards affectionate gestures. She relishes intimate encounters. However, I envision a relationship where our triumphs are achieved not in the bedroom but through preaching,” he elaborated.

Ringtone underscored that he has a set of specific qualities and criteria that he seeks in a prospective spouse, emphasizing that he remains indifferent to whether they hail from urban or rural settings, as long as they meet his comprehensive standards.

“I’ve outlined the attributes I’m seeking in a partner. Any woman who embodies those traits, irrespective of their background – urban or rural, short or tall, dark or fair-skinned, with or without a certain physique – is eligible in my eyes. These superficial concerns aren’t my priority,” he affirmed.

Related: Justina Syokau drops her insane sexual craving for Ringtone