Ringtone finally finds the love of his life
Ringtone. PHOTOS/Courtesy

Ringtone defends sources of his wealth, cites fan support and divine blessings

4 mins read

Gospel singer Ringtone Apoko, known for his extravagant lifestyle and frequent displays of luxury on social media, recently defended the sources of his wealth in an interview with NTV.

Ringtone attributed his financial success to the unwavering support of his fans and the blessings he believes are bestowed upon him by God.

“I am one of the most popular artistes in Kenya. My music is streamed everywhere and I have touched many lives. When I go live on social media, I get money from people who have been inspired by my music journey,” Ringtone explained.

Highlighting the extent of his support, Ringtone shared a significant incident where a female fan, deeply moved by his song ‘Pamella,’ sent him $10,000 (Ksh1.3m).

“My wealth is the hand of God. I receive large sums of money from random people. For example, a female fan once sent me $10,000. Her name is Pamela and she said she was inspired by my song ‘Pamella’. She currently lives in the United States. Many others send me money as well,” he said.

Addressing the challenges within the music industry, Ringtone emphasized the importance of understanding one’s unique calling. “Our biggest challenge is not understanding our calling. The first step is to discover who you are because we are all created differently and meant to serve a specific purpose,” he noted.

Ringtone recounted numerous instances of rejection throughout his career, particularly from industry gatekeepers.

“When I started in music, I faced a lot of rejection from the gatekeepers of the industry, especially the Groove Awards cartel. Growing up on the streets gave me a different character that didn’t fit the mould of a traditional gospel musician. I was too loud and that’s why a lot of gospel musicians didn’t like me and rejected me,” he said.

In response to these challenges, Ringtone turned to motivational speaking, sharing his story of overcoming adversity as a street kid without parents.

“I had nothing to sustain me except my story. I told how I overcame that and visited high schools and colleges to inspire students, but also to escape the depression caused by industry rejection. There were favourites and I was not one of them. That rejection pushed me towards the purpose God had for me,” he recounted.

Reflecting on his impact, Ringtone believes he has inspired millions.

“How many people have I inspired? I think it’s millions. If I focus on one person, I am not fulfilling my purpose. I have been to schools all over Kenya and touched many lives. Out of ten people, eight will say that Ringtone came to their school and inspired them,” he said.

Looking ahead, Ringtone has grand aspirations for his career. “I believe I have served my purpose even if I were to die today. I dream bigger and want to make Africa my springboard. You can easily conquer Africa by working with Gen Z. In two years, I will be the biggest gospel artist in Africa,” he declared.

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