Amber Ray and Kennedy Rapudo with their blended family. Photos/Courtesy

“I sired my first child while in campus” Rapudo regrets having kids with different women amid struggle with blended families 

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Kennedy Rapudo, the partner of socialite Amber Ray, recently expressed his regrets about fathering children with different women.

Despite his regrets, Rapudo emphasized his unwavering love for his children and his commitment to being present in their lives no matter the circumstances.

Rapudo, a father of three children whom he sired with three different women, revealed his ideal scenario would have been to marry one woman and have all his children with her.

“There are things I would have wanted to do differently as a father. One of them is having kids with one woman. It is what it is. Those stories only exist in movies. I know what it means to be without a father. I will never let them grow without that,” Rapudo opened up during an interview with Parents Magazine.

Amber Ray, Kennedy Rapudo and their children. Photo/Courtesy

Addressing how he maintains harmony between his three families, Rapudo explained, “We have built a good rapport between my kids and my partner. We have transparent communication. Kids will always be there, so you let them sort it out themselves and take them for activities together. If you love somebody and she has a child, don’t try to show any distinction between the kids. Bring them up as a family.”

Rapudo also shared his journey to fatherhood, revealing he became a first-time dad while in his second year at university.

He recounted, “I was not scared when she called and told me she was pregnant. I did not doubt her; I knew it was mine. I asked her to give me a minute to get my thoughts together. I was in school, jobless, and she also did not have a job; she was living with her parents.”

Determined to provide for his child, Rapudo started hustling.

“Most people my age would have told her to abort, but I told her we would raise it. At that point, I started looking for jobs. I became very responsible. Abortion was not an option. I look at it now, and I think it is one of the best decisions in life.”

When asked about his greatest accomplishment as a dad, Rapudo proudly said, “Having disciplined kids has been an accomplishment. It means that how I have nurtured them is working. They are teenagers, but we have never had cases of indiscipline. I have never caned the kids.”

Amber Ray, Kennedy Rapudo with their son and daughter. Photo/Courtesy

Rapudo has faced challenges as both a biological and stepfather. He recounted the court process he underwent with his son, which he never anticipated to be so complex.

“I thought it would be okay, as this was my family, and my children could visit me. That’s why I went to court. We sorted it out, and my son can now visit me any time he wants. I have enjoyed every moment of it. There can be drama from one parent or another, but as long as you handle it, you’re good.”

Regarding his relationship with Amber Ray’s son, Garvin, Rapudo said, “We have built a good rapport between my kids and my partner. We have transparent communication. Kids will always be there, so you let them sort it out themselves and take them for activities together. If you love somebody and she has a child, don’t try to show any distinction between the kids; bring them up as a family.”

Despite the challenges, Rapudo remains dedicated to ensuring a harmonious and loving environment for all his children.

Related: Amber Ray Confirms Rapudo Is Paying Ksh350,000 monthly rent for their new apartment