Raila Odinga Sends This STRONG Message to ALL CORD Supporters And Kenyans Ahead of Monday’s IEBC Protests

2 mins read

Monday is hours away,and CORD is already gearing up for the now normal scheduled anti-IEBC protests.

Jubilee affiliate members of Parliament filed a court case that demands Raila Odinga and the other CORD top Principals to appear before court, Monday,will they honor the court?

They allege that by carrying out protests Raila Odinga and his team are fueling chaos that as a result costing Kenyans heavily.

Protestors have been captured looting, throwing stones and businesses are forced to stay closed on Mondays.

The MPs are now calling for the rule of law to charge Team CORD.At the same time, they are saying that the current political temperature is not fairable as Kenyans gear up for elections next year. There are fears that violence might be witnessed if things are not taken care of,the tension tranquilized sooner rather than later.

Anyway, Raila Odinga has a message to all his supporters and Kenyans at large.

Raila Odinga says..

‘Holding public office is primarily based on enjoying public confidence. The moment the public no longer has confidence in the holders of a given office is the moment it behoves the office holders to vacate. This allows institutions to retain and enjoy legitimacy in the view of the public.

The People do not exist for the IEBC but rather the IEBC exists for the People and as such must serve the greater good of the People. It is time for the Commissioners to vacate and pave way for reform of the institution to allow peaceful, free and fair elections in 2017.’


Facebook:Raila Odinga

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