Propesa and Sportpesa CEO Ronald Karauri a few months ago took a bet which saw the CEO lose his Range Rover Overfinch worth 25 million shillings to the comedians after he lost the bet and willingly gave them the machine.
Propesa took to social media to post a picture of their newly acquired Range Rover Overfinch plighting the Bomet, Kaplong, Litein and Kericho route under the South Rift Sacco with a caption reading: Wawili wa haraka leading to Kenyans asking a lot of questions wondering if they can indeed maintain taking care of that fuel guzzler machine.

limo_yano hahaha….sasa transport ni ngapi hadi kaplong?
toure_aminata_ Hehehehehehe Wakale hawana utani
wesleytheedj Kaplong🤣🤣🤣🤣
linus_ruto @monnienoniot Si ata wangeosha na maji ya karai tu…
warobi_254 Nko haba apia senda😂😂!
keveyauma My country people Mimi naenda sotik mnaonaje hii maneno
Propesa also shared a video of them enjoying taking the Range Rover Overfinch for a spin and they love their Range Rover