Kenyan music is gradually changing for the better in different genres and we know how many genres of music.
Kenya music has different genres ranging from kapuka, genge, hip hop, ghipuka, rap, mugithi, rhumba, benga and so forth, I mean the list is endless so that means it will take a while for them to be widely accepted everywhere.
Suffice to say, hip hop music is rather an internationally recognized language that everyone can relate to and even that has diverse genres derived from it like reggaeton which is of Puerto Rican origin and trap which in due time has made a few people famous beyond belief.
This comes to show how Kenyan music is diverse and wide but you cannot mention trap music per se without mentioning Phoolish Buoy who is somewhat like America’s Chief Keef and he knows his craft of music and through his release ‘Art Of Illusion’ depicts a new entry of music in the country, trap music and he is the official ambassador for that genre.

The rapper has released his mixtape dubbed ‘Art Of Illusion’ which you can now listen to it for free online and get to witness our flag trap music bearer at his best through the mixtape.
I don’t know about you but this kid has the potential to go somewhere far but the only problem I have is that I don’t know if the Kenyan market is ready to accept trap music just yet other than hip hop heads and music enthusiasts who already know all about trap music and where it’s headed.

Here’s the full mixtape ‘Art Of Illusion’ at your disposal for you to listen to.