Paul optimistic Marioo will marry her 
Paula and Marioo. Photo/Courtesy

Paula optimistic Marioo will marry her 

2 mins read

Frida Kajala’s only daughter Paula has expressed her belief that Bongo singer Omary Mwanga aka Marioo will make him his wife.

In a video circulating on the internet, Paula is heard boldly saying that she is Marioo’s lover.

“Wewe ni demu wa nani?” a man who was filming Paula was heard asking her in the video.

Paula with a peacock voice replied, “Omary!”

The man went on to ask the 20-year-old model if Marioo plans to marry him one day.

“Kwa nini isiwe hivyo?” Paula answered in a brave voice.

About two weeks ago, Paula Kajala angrily criticized people who intrude into her life, especially in matters relationship.

“Ifike mahala mheshimu maisha ya mtu binafsi, nina haki ya kuwa na mtu nimpendaye kama watoto zenu/ndugu zenu/na nyinyi wenyewe mnavyofanya (Tofauti yetu, nyinyi mnafanya gizani mimi ninawaonyesha),” Paula said.

Kajala’s daughter asked those interfering in her relationships to stop while noting that most of them are older women who deserve to be her mother.

She questioned how her critics want her to live her life seeing that some of them are against her actions.

“Wengi ni mama zangu mnaoongea kwa hasira vitu ambavyo siyo vya ukweli. Natumia lugha nyepesi sana, achaneni na maisha yangu. Nilimpenda wa kwanza nikamtambulisha tukaachana, mlikuwa mnatakaje? Nisidate tena? Au nisidate kisirisiri?,” she posed.

The 20-year-old asked critics to focus on their families and not to enter her life.

“Mungu tu anaweza kunihukumu! Nyie waungu watu wa kwenye mitandao muda huu mngeutumia kuabudu makanisani/ msikitini na mngekuwa mmekokoa roho za watu wengi kuliko hichi mnachokifanya. Nimewachoka.”

Paula pointed out that some critics wanted to see her sad after breaking up with Rayvanny last year. She continued to point out that she was grateful to God for blessing her with Marioo.

“Mniache niishi kwa amani mnitoe kwenye midomo yenu hata nikiharikiwa nyie inawahusu nini kwa sababu hakuna ata mmoja anayenisaidia mpaka hapa nilipo. Achaneni na mimi mfocus na maisha yenu. Maisha yangu yatawasumbua na hakuna cha maana mtakachokipata kwa kuniongelea mimi vibaya,” she said.