Pastor Ng'ang'a with his daughter Naomi. Photo/Courtesy

“Ask her to go to her mother” Pastor Ng’ang’a responds to his daughter who has a sick child 

2 mins read

Pastor James Maina Ng’ang’a has addressed the ongoing controversy surrounding his first daughter Naomi who is appealing for assistance for her son Jonathan Wise’s medical treatment.

The founder of Neno Evangelism wants nothing to do with Naomi, signaling ongoing feud between him and his daughter.

Ng’ang’a sired Naomi while working as a herdsman in Kinangop.

Speaking at his church on Sunday, December 10, Ng’ang’a challenged her to undergo a DNA test and questioned the legitimacy of his paternity.

He emphasized the importance of respect and highlighted Naomi’s refusal to serve in his church.

“I have seen her speaking, saying I am her biological father. Go and bring your mother; we do DNA first. Even if you bring your mother, there are other men involved. Stop putting my name in the media and defending your nonsense with me. Stop, or you go to the grave earlier. If I were your father, you could have bought me even a jacket or a pair of shoes. I saw her in my home empty-handed, not even a kilo of sugar. Respect is very important. What you plant is what you reap. I called you to come and serve at my church, but you refused,” he said.

The controversial preacher concluded by advising people to cease sending him videos and instead direct Naomi’s concerns to her mother.

“I have said many times that I am not a pastor or a bishop. I will not follow up the dowry issues. Please stop sending me those videos ask her to go to her mother.”

Naomi claimed her father pastor Ng’ang’a had refused to support her son and went to the media to seek help.

Naomi’s son, Jonathan, is battling a severe case of B-ALL Leukemia.

The family, having faced financial strain throughout Jonathan’s medical journey, is now appealing to well-wishers, individuals, and organizations to come forward and support Jonathan in his fight against leukaemia.

Support Jonathan’s medical journey by contributing through JONATHAN’S MEDICAL APPEAL Paybill 247247, Account Number 290038.

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