Pastor Tsietsi Makiti in South Africa is one man whose form of preaching is getting people all worked up on social media. This after a video of him using his{ (wonderful, excellent, brilliant) all the above} technique to preach to his flock was seen.

The pastor usually starts the service by drinking alcohol before preaching the word. He leads the Gabola Church in SA which was started sometime this year. During the sermon, the pastor allows the congregants to sip on the alcohol.
According to rumours, the church was built by Tsietsi Makiti for those people who aren’t permitted to enter the other churches. This is a man after my own heart. No fake shit. Manze I wish I lived in South Africa particularly near where his church is because I would make a point of attending.
Clearly, he has taken seriously the example set by Jesus of turning water into wine. I make a point of bashing pastors but this is going to be the second one I give a thumbs up. The hypocrisy of the other Pharisees…cough cough other pastors does not exist in him. That is to be commended considering how facetious our local churches are.
To Mr. Tsietsi Makiti kudos! Here are more wonderful images of this very holy man: