Pastor this, pastor that! I am very against pastors, that I will not lie. The main reason is the hypocrisy they display with their flock. Making them jump through hoops like the flock is trying to earn God’s love. Why this happens I will never understand. No, I do, the Money!

Anywho! There is this photo doing the rounds on social media showing a pastor giving a lady in his church a bottle of beer for her deliverance. Deliverance from what? That I don’t know but this surely beats using water. According to the Facebook user who shared the picture, the pastor prayed over the bottle of beer for “anointing” before he gave it to his members one by one during deliverance.

This pastor is a hero to me. The only bad part of this story is that we don’t know the identity of this hero. At least if the lady does not get ‘delivered’ she at the bare minimum get that nice high from the beer. Why aren’t more pastors not like this man. You will even get me in your pews if you can keep this ish up! From me to him, Hongera!
But that’s me, what do you guys think of this hero?