Otile Brown went on record like on public radio saying that he has been suffering from depression for the longest time ever. Even though he has been performing and putting out music, and smiling and performing to his fans whenever he gets a chance to, deep down he has been battling a battle with depression that no one could ever imagine. Photo credit: Instagram/otilebrown
Otile Brown went on record like on public radio saying that he has been suffering from depression for the longest time ever. Even though he has been performing and putting out music, and smiling and performing to his fans whenever he gets a chance to, deep down he has been battling a battle with depression that no one could ever imagine. Photo credit: Instagram/otilebrown

Otile Brown proved he is man enough to talk about depression and suffering from it

2 mins read

Depression is one thing that has since taken hold of so many lives without anybody, especially close people around them person suffering from it even knowing about it.

It took courage, might, and growth from Otile Brown to bluntly accept that he was suffering from depression.

A couple of days back, the ‘Aiyana’ hitmaker went on record on public radio, Raida Maisha and opened up about suffering from depression which is something that most celebrities don’t tend to open up about, ever.

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Otile Brown who has been suffering from depression from the longest time without anybody knowing opened up like never before;

“Depression is real. For the longest time, I have not been okay. I’ve been working, doing shows but emotionally and physically I’ve been troubled” Otile said in part.

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Otile Brown also acknowledges the fact that it’s usually hard for most celebrities to seek help because of how the world perceives them having way more expectations from them, with some thinking that most celebrities are not human at all.

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“The problem with being an artiste is that we cannot open up to people. You can have a lot going on in your life but you cannot talk because there is a way people perceive you.” he continued.

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Otile Brown becomes one of the first Kenyan artistes and overall celebrities to openly speak about suffering from depression which is a serious thing if not taken seriously.

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Otile Brown iterated that there’s important in always speaking when you feel down at any given time. It helps to speak with someone because it helps in a way than most can even imagine.