Otile Brown by now is known to be an household name in both the entertainment scene and the music industry and he has done a whole lot for himself lately performing for his fans across the globe and even opened up his own record label, Just In Love Music which he intends to make the most out of it by signing great talent Kenya has to offer.
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With the success and the perks of his lucrative music career, Otile Brown can comfortably afford to live the rich lifestyle that money can buy and he is also generous, he celebrated his birthday in a Children’s home and even gave out 1000 Shillings note in the streets of Nairobi one day, just to show his appreciation to the people, Kenyan people for enabling his dream come to fruition.

Otile Brown has joined fellow artistes and celebrities who has bodyguards in their employ. Just a few hours back, Otile Brown took to Instagram to rather introduce his personal bodyguard who goes by his assumed mononym of “Tonny” on social media.

Tonny refers to himself as the official bodyguard of the hitmaker, Otile Brown on his social media handles.