Former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and his younger lover Mary Biketi. Photos/Courtesy

Ex-governor Oparanya explains why he is dating 31-year-old Mary Biketi despite having 2 wives 

3 mins read

In a candid interview on KTN Home TV, former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya addressed the controversy surrounding leaked photos of him with younger lover Mary Biketi.

Oparanya, a prominent member of the ODM party, defended his relationship with Biketi, asserting that he has nothing to hide.

“She is my lover, and I have nothing to deny because she takes care of me,” he stated confidently.

He further explained that his girlfriend often visits his home, even in the presence of his two wives, who do not mind her presence as he fulfills their needs adequately.

The former governor attributed his openness to the values instilled in him by his late mother.

“I have 2 wives, and I also have a girlfriend, and I don’t even have a problem with my wife here. Even my girlfriend comes here, and my wife has no problem with that because I always serve her well,” he said.

Oparanya elaborated on his upbringing, noting that he was the only surviving child out of five siblings, which shaped his commitment to honesty.

“My mother always told me to be honest, and because I was born alone, she encouraged me to have many children to make up for the ones she lost,” he added.

Discussing the leaked photos, Oparanya remarked that having a girlfriend is a part of his post-political life.

“You know, after politics, you need someone to keep you busy. My wife is here now, but she can’t go everywhere with me. Sometimes you just need to relax with a beautiful girl by your side. That’s why I chose her,” he explained.

He expressed no concern about the photos circulating on the internet, maintaining that he is at peace with the situation.

However, Oparanya was clear that his current relationship structure will not change due to financial constraints and the demands of his personal life.

“There is no room for another beauty in my life; the current life has become expensive. I have two wives, one is here [Butere], and the other is in Likuyani. Having two wives just happened, something you can’t plan. But I was also paying attention to my mother’s advice,” he concluded.

Related: Ex-governor Oparanya confirms he wants to marry his side chick Mary Biketi as his 3rd wife