Octopizzo smiling rocking supreme jacket

Octopizzo speaks at the first ever TEDx talk to be held at a refugee camp

2 mins read

Octopizzo has so much accolades under his belt over the years but him speaking at the first ever TEDx talk being held at a refugee camp is something that will not be forgotten on history books.

Octopizzo who recently dropped his best album ‘New Year’ which had him working with the same person who worked with Drake on his project talked at the TEDx(an independent organized TED event) at Kakuma camp.

“Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you,when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving the imprint from existence.
#REFUGEENIUS Manifest the potentiality of your energy!” Octopizzo said when he was at Kakuma Refugee camp.


Octopizzo who is more than just a hip hop artiste is also an activist who tuns his foundation, Octopizzo Foundation has also worked with over 20 refugees under his ‘Refugeenius’ project from Kakuma and Dadaab Refugee camps.