Octopizzo is by now on the peak of his music career and he is without a shadow of doubt on everyone’s lips whenever people talk about African hip hop artistes. It wasn’t that easy coming up to where he is today, well established, having accolades and being successful in every venture not only in music.
That being said, apparently he wasn’t alone growing up in the harsh realities of the Kibera slums as today he got to introduce his younger brother who almost looks like him if not at all.
“I’ve seen this young man grow straight outta dippers to being taller than me. Mum & Paps would be proud. WE MADE IT 🏆
#Brothers #tilltheend #fashion #travel #win #kingsh*t 👑” – The rapper captioned on a photo he shared of them two together. He hasn’t revealed his name just yet but it’s only a matter of time before he does.