Nonini is one of the founding rappers in Kenya that helped put Kenya in the Hip Hop map with his dope rhymes and the ease of making dope music regardless of the beat. He sure has come a long way from his hey days when he was a Calif Records and Clemo’s Protégé and released one if not the most controversial song ever dubbed “Manzi wa Nairobi” which helped made a name for himself because in those days, nobody would have thought of doing a track like the mazi wa Nairobi. That is why I appreciate him as a founding father of controversial, dope music and genge to be precise.
That being said, The Godfather of Genge has been busy of late crossing borders and doing some dope stuff whilst here’s there. The latest thing he’s doing right now is working on a collabo with the one and only Tanzania’s Chege formerly of Wanaume TMK in one JohariCleff Studios as he instigated in his instagram account which is noninimgengetrue by the way.

The best preparation to do Epic Work Tomorrow is to do good work today. Having Mad Studio sessions today with my brother @chegechigunda