Niykee Heaton with Diddy and Kanye West. Photo/Courtesy

Singer Niykee Heaton alleges sexual assault, shares her terrifying experience with Diddy, Kanye West

3 mins read

Singer Niykee Heaton has made serious allegations against music moguls Diddy and Kanye West, accusing them of attempting to sexually assault her when she was 19 years old.

Heaton shared her disturbing account during an Instagram Live session, which has since gained significant attention online.

Heaton recounted that following the success of her 2014 hit song “Bad Intentions” with Migos and OG Parker, Kanye West reached out to her, inviting her to a studio session.

When she arrived, Diddy and Kanye were there together, allegedly under the influence of alcohol and possibly drugs. They pressured her to have a drink, which she declined.

According to Heaton, nine other women were initially present but left for the bathroom and did not return, leaving her alone with Kanye, Diddy, an executive working with Kanye, his engineer, and his cousin.

The atmosphere quickly turned uncomfortable as Kanye and Diddy allegedly pressured Heaton to undress, citing the heat in the studio.

“They were like, ‘c’mon! It’s just us, we’re all just friends let’s just see how you look,'” Heaton recalled, describing how the situation escalated as the two men began grabbing at her shirt.

Feeling threatened, Heaton mouthed “help” to Kanye’s executive, who, along with the others present, ignored her pleas.

Heaton detailed how Kanye and Diddy tore her shirt off and attempted to remove her pants.

In a desperate move, she lunged at them, managing to escape through the exit door and hide in a darkened studio room, where she stayed for about 20 minutes, crying and unsure of what to do next.

Eventually, Heaton left the studio with another girl who she implied might have been drugged by Kanye and Diddy. She concluded her harrowing account by warning others about the dangers of the music industry, particularly for young women.

“The moral of the fking story, stay out of the industry. If you have daughters make sure to tell them that their idols they should never meet and never go to the fking studio with anyone even if you’re invited there as an artist, unless you have a bodyguard with you,” Heaton advised.

These allegations add to the ongoing conversations about sexual misconduct and abuse within the entertainment industry, highlighting the urgent need for greater protection and accountability.

Related: Another woman sues Diddy for sexually assaulting her on 4 different occasions