Nimo Gachuiri and Bahati

Nimo Gachuiri calls out Bahati for lying on Mr. Seed

8 mins read

Earlier on this year, Bahati and his long term friend since childhood and fellow gospel musician, Mr. Seed fell off rather publicly after Bahati’s wife Diana Marua allegedly called cops on Mr. Seed’s then pregnant wife on a show to arrest her.

Bahati’s record label, EMB Records’ signed artistes like David Wonder has since left the label and Bahati has never expound more on the matter publicly like the way he did on social media a few days back where he opened up via numerous Instagram posts where he said his truth.

Also read: what’s happening at Bahati’s EMB Records, his brother leaves the record label

Award winning gospel musician, Bahati wrote in part:


After the Video of this Young Lady Aired on my “BEING BAHATI” show yesterday I have Received hundreds of requests BY Kenyans from different parts of the World Wakiniomba Nimsaidie. And Today as I was Praying asking GOD if I should continue with this “KUSAIDIA WASANII” He put something heavy in My heart and I’ve really prayed that even as I post this here GOD will make every Reader Understand it the right Way. (NOTE: ABIT LONG BUT I REQUEST YOU TAKE A MOMENT AND LISTEN TO ME).

My people Every time I meet such an Innocent Soul desperate to make it I really get Confused, disturbed at times I get myself breaking into tears. WHY? First Bcoz this can be my Sister, brother, Father or even my Mother trying to make ends meet through music So I HAVE TO HELP.

But before I say anything I’d like to say THANK YOU for always Supporting every Artist I introduce to you and request you to Promote them; that’s Enough to show me how you’ve been Loyal to Supporting BAHATI. But I’d like to share with you Something Confidential between Me & GOD::Yes HOW I STRUGGLE to support any of this artists to reach their Dreams.

But Why I’ve I chosen to Share this with you Today; it’s bcoz Now my DMs, WhatsApp, Emails are full of Demo songs and pleads of People really begging to be helped musically. Some Come searching for my house like the Lady in this Video innocently hoping for a Chance to break through in the industry bt they don’t Understand why I’ve been Afraid to Help (BECAUSE THEY ALL FORGET THE CONDITION & HUMILITY THEY APPROACHED YOU WITH).

I thought it’s good to Share this with you now First not Bcoz I’m looking for Sympathy, NO. Actually your Sympathy will not change anything in my Life but it’s bcoz the Recent Happenings are Killing our Music Industry.

HOW??? It’s Scaring away the people out there who’ve the Capability of Partnering to Help more Upcoming Talents. My people Let’s talk FACTS only!!! MOST of the this Artists I support, I meet them in Conditions of life you cannot Reveal;Some even homeless. FACT IS IN KENYA when you hear Someone has been signed it’s not really a Signing but it’s just like taking the Position of a Parent in their Lives.”

Nimo Gachuiri and Mr. Seed have a son together called Gold Christen Omondi. photo credit: Instagram/nimo_gachuiri
Nimo Gachuiri and Mr. Seed have a son together called Gold Christen Omondi. photo credit: Instagram/nimo_gachuiri

Bahati went on further to talk about the fell out he had with his recent signed artistes who has since left his record label to try on new things in their career.


Now that most people are always Quick to Comment without Research tell me of any Young Boy at 26 yrs who’s willing to Sacrifice in Helping where there has never been a Profit! . And the Beautiful Ladies out there be TRUE and tell me if you can let your Men host more than Four (4) Artists investing to Support them for more than Two Years Now with no concrete Profit???

That’s Why I respect this Woman @Diana_Marua Bcoz I should have used the Money to get her a bigger house but she allowed me to be Used by GOD! LET’S RESPECT THAT. So to the Lazy Bloggers who don’t even want to Research and get our fans the Truth I forgive you..

If the Romours you’ve been Writing were the TRUTH today I’d be in Jail but one of the things I’ll tell you Now is according to the Records as I write this there’s NOT EVEN ONE of the Artists Signed Under #EMB that is not Owed by EMB a few Millions (And I actually Forgave them Coz saying this in the Most Humble Way, None of them Can Pay this Debt) WHY? Coz Music Business takes time to give Returns- An artist Can take even 3-5Yrs to make Money in Kenya that’s why We’re always asking the fans to Keep Supporting our Craft.

The Sacrifices I make for this Artists Cannot be Valued to Money & That’s why I Leave it to God…. So when I see Cooked Stories on blogs FOR the Sake of TRENDING I just breathed in & Requested God to allow me Release all of them bcoz only God knows How I have Supported them from my Heart. I’m not Telling you for Sympathy; NO I’m just talking out of the Authority GOD has given me to let you Know the Facts.

The Bloggers Writing about them Today I was literally begging them to even do a feature of them as I struggled with them before the followers they have today. FANS CAN WITNESS. The day I took David Wonder back to Music as he was working in a Salon with no Off_days in Umoja Estate or when I really fought hard for Mr Seed to make a Comeback with Kumbe Kumbe because I believed he had what it takes when put in the right platforms. Not forgetting that Once he gave me a Collabo. I Can’t forget how Begged this Bloggers to Just write SO & SO is back but I THINK… #NEXTPART_4”

This was the last straw according to Mr. Seed’s girlfriend (who has recently given birth to a bouncing baby boy called Gold Christen Omondi), and didn’t take lightly to what Bahati alleging that Bahati is not telling the whole and entire truth of what exactly happened and that what he is doing is merely a PR.

Nimo Gachuri took it to herself to answer Bahati and call him out on his “lie”, here are her reply to Bahati’s truth.