Nick Ndeda explains why he had a vasectomy in the first place confirming the allegations. Photo credit: YouTube screengrab
Nick Ndeda explains why he had a vasectomy in the first place confirming the allegations. Photo credit: YouTube screengrab

Nick Ndeda explains why he had a vasectomy in the first place

4 mins read

Nick Ndeda is the talk of the town for two days going on three days, he’s probably sick and tired of seeing himself trend on Twitter within the range of the top 5 already.

The talented media personality has the entire KOT talking about him for days without getting tired after breaking up with his girlfriend who as of now might just become a celebrity thanks to him trending.

There are a lot of people who are talking a lot of things about Nick Ndeda’s situation but what stood out for the majority of KOT is getting a vasectomy.

KOT cannot seem to believe that Nick Ndeda and her girlfriend Muthoni Gitau, 30, are no more but they soon got to believe it after listening to what Muthoni said about dating other people.

“For the last seven years, Nick and I have had our ups and downs(and they were many) and one thing we have always said that if either of us felt like this wasn’t working out anymore, we would make that known,” Muthoni Gitau noted.

“At this point, we are going out separate ways. After seven years, this feels like the best decision for both of us. The plan is to grow and heal as individuals as we evaluate what we want moving forward. This video is just to avoid any speculations moving forward as we explore the next steps in our lives. Please feel free to hold your input on this choice(which has already been made), thank you.”

A lot of people called him out for being a simp for undergoing the procedure to please his girlfriend, (well, his ex-girlfriend) only to separate in the long run. Others were calling him a simp, something that he’s already addressed.

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Explaining himself with intentions of putting the rumors and claims to rest about the reason why he took the vasectomy procedure once and for all, Nick has finally explained himself, giving the reason/s why he had the procedure in the first place that will see him never getting any children in the future.

Apparently, Ndeda doesn’t want to have kids in the future at all. He allegedly made up his mind a few years ago on never getting kids.

The TV personality said that he wasn’t pushed by anyone leave alone his ex-girlfriend to do the procedure.

“One final thing on this matter, I did not get a vasectomy for her. I did that for me because I also do not want kids. Any other questions, not up for debate or discussion.” Ndeda shared on Twitter.

On their joint YouTube channel ‘Just Doing Life’ Muthoni who confessed to only being in 3 relationships will remain with the channel and run it as she pleases after removing Nick’s pictures as Nick will be doing some other personal things on the side without getting attached to the YouTube channel that they shared.

The channel has already changed its name to ‘Just Doing Life with Muthoni Gitau’.

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